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What is Wellness?

Today there is a rush of professions to claim the term wellness. MD’s, DC’s, Nutritionists, Personal Trainers, and Physical Therapists all claim that their treatment of a patient will result is overall wellness for the patient...

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Backpacks and Back pain…

These days most children to college-age students use a backpack for schoolbooks, lunches, and other supplies. The growing question I get is how much is too much for a child to carry in a backpack? Studies...

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Getting a Well-Balanced Lunch

Lately, there has been a lot of attention given to the nutritional value of school lunches. While breakfast is the most important meal of the day lunch become the most important pit stop of the day....

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Chiropractic.. The Best Care for Pregnant Patients

How does Chiropractic care promote an optimal environment for pregnancy? Before conception, Chiropractic care works to promote regular processes in the body such as the menstrual cycle and uterine functions. Chiropractic adjustments also promote proper mechanics...

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